At XLEquine we believe that prevention is better than cure. We know that it is your aim to have a fit and healthy companion to compete and enjoy your time with and we feel the same! Nothing gives us more pleasure that seeing photos of you on social media competing with your horse, or arriving at your yard to hear about the wonderful ride you have just been on.
Preventative healthcare is not a particularly sexy topic, but its something we believe all horse owners should invest in. It can of course, help reduce the risk of unexpected or significant vet bills, which can be associated with a sick horse.
The trouble is that there are a huge variety of sources of information for you to access with the presence of the Internet, social media and other equine professionals. It can be quite confusing trying to unpick it all and truly identify what is best for your horse. We know, from a survey in Horse and Hound (April 2015) that horse owners are worried about troubling their equine vets with questions about basic healthcare or worry that they will be compelled to book and pay for a visit to get the information that they need. We want to reassure you that XLEquine vets are keen and able to help you with all and any questions you have about the health of your horse. Building a strong and loyal relationship enables us to better monitor what is ‘normal’ for your horse so we can pick up subtle signs of illness.
Look out for the Picture of Health activities which XLEquine practices will be undertaking through the Spring and Summer, offering a range of educational opportunities.
Why not send us your photos of you and your horse looking a Picture of Health to info@xlequine.co.uk ?!